Multi-Agent Plan Merging
This research line is focused on the interaction between agents with planning capabilities, that is, multi-agent planning. Concretely, we are trying to design a new method of plan merging using argumentation/negotiation and coordination methods between a set of planning agents. Each agent will have its own plan that reach its goals (same or different than the other agents' goals) obtained from any planner (i.e. FF, LPG, LAMA, SGPLAN...). In a recent joint work, we have presented a multi-agent planning approach where each agent proposes a treatment (plan) for one disease of the patient and then, a plan merging is made to obtain a joint treatment (free of conflicts) of all diseases of the patient. This can be considered as the beginning of our research in this line.
Relevant papers:
Gonzalo Milla-Millán, Juan Fdez-Olivares, Inmaculada Sánchez-Garzón
Multi-agent Planning based on the Dynamic Selection and Merging of Hierarchical Task Networks
Preprints of the ICAPS'13 DMAP Workshop on Distributed and Multi-Agent Planning, pp. 34-42, (2013)
Inmaculada Sánchez-Garzón, Juan Fdez-Olivares, Eva Onaindía, Gonzalo Milla-Millán, Jaume Jordán, Pablo Castejón
A multi-agent planning approach for the generation of personalized treatment plans of comorbid patients
14th Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, Vol. 7885 pp. 23-27, 2013